Helen Janc Malone,  Director of institutional advancement at the Institute for Educational Leadership

Designing Education-Community Collaboration (Smellið á titil til að heyra upptöku)

Abstract: Holistic education, a broader learning framework, and a student-centered orientation are hallmarks of systems that value and prioritize school-family-community partnerships for the purpose of creating flourishing and healthy communities that prepare all young people for a bright and successful future. To design, strengthen, and sustain such systems requires emphasis on trusting partnerships and inclusive collaboration, diverse voices, equitable opportunities, and distributed leadership that empowers school and youth and leisure providers to work together to improve outcomes for all children and youth. This keynote session will focus on the why, what, and how of designing collaborative education and community systems.

Jón Torfi Jónasson, Professor, University of Iceland 

Skóli og skólastefna, menntun og menntastefna (Smellið á titil til að heyra upptöku)
(see english below)

Eitt allra umfangsmesta og mikilvægasta verkefni nútímasamfélags er að tryggja góða menntun borgara þess. Á þeim forsendum hafa flest samfélög tekið að sér rekstur og mótun skóla. Því hlutverki fylgir kvöð um að móta stefnu um inntak og eðli þeirra. Þetta vekur upp fjölmargar spurningar, m.a. um hver eigi að vera hinn eiginlegi hlutur stjórnvalda, um hvað stefnumörkunin eigi að snúast, hver kunni að vera tengsl á milli hugmynda um skóla og menntun, hvernig hugmyndir um skóla og menntun kunni að hafa breyst og hvort margvísleg þróun allra þátta samfélags og menningar kalli á stórvægilegar breytingar. Rannsóknarsamfélag menntageirans vex hratt að afli og breidd og því er áhugavert að ígrunda að hvaða marki rannsóknir gefi fyrirheit um svör við þessum og öðrum áleitnum spurningum sem tengjast menntamálum.

School and school policy; Education and educational policy

One of the most comprehensive and important tasks of contemporary society is to ensure quality education of its citizens. It is on the basis of this premise that most societies  have agreed to undertake the operation and development of schools, These roles require that policy is shaped about their content and nature. This invites numerous questions about what should be the actual role of the authorities, what policy making should revolve around, what might be the links between notions on schools and education, how ideas about schools and education might have changed and whether various sociatal and cultural development call for comprehensive changes.  The research community in the field of education is rapidly growing in vigor and width. It is therefore interesting to contemplate to what degree research promises answers to these and other important questions related to education.